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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What to do if your single and wana date

So youve been single for awhile and everywhere you turn you cant seem to find the right one. Maybe you try so hard to put yourself out there and it seems like there is no one in sight. What could it be? Or maybe you just got out of a relationship and find it hard to be alone. Dont worry we have all been there, but there are some things to consider on your journey to love.

You must put yourself first. Think of yourself as a magnet. A love magnet. Maybe in the past you were one chasing love but from now on you are a love magnet and everything attracts to you! When you think of yourself as a magnet, everything begins to flow. You will see that you dont have to try so hard. People that deserve you will immediately begin to attract themselves to you. Begin to feel good about yourself and every morning look in the mirror and say I am a love magnet! From now on, do not chase others. In order for you to be in a healthy relationship, you must be in a healthy relationship with yourself.

Love yourself and take good care of yourself-this is the most attractive thing you can do. When you are feeling your best and lookin your best, the best men seem to come out of nowhere. If you are demonstrating your best qualities, you will get that back in return. Lets say you are at your best right now, your generous with everyone, your compassionate and good to yourself, your loving and will soon meet someone who will share good qualities as well. Now lets say your at your worst and your crying all the time, and complaning you have no one in your life, you too will attract someone just like you! Misery loves act your best.

Stop the wanting-ever notice the more you want something the more it seems further from your reach? Wanting something is not having and is lacking in your life. I understand it may be hard but once you stop having that desperate vibration, you learn to be content with yourself. This will send out a signal that you are healthy spirit and not a needy one. Which is more attractive to you? Would you want a needy spirit or a healthy one? So stop searching for the one, let the one come to you. He will come to you when you least expect it, when you are having the time of your life not worrying about when you will start dating again. That is because love comes when you least NEED it.

Well I hope you enjoyed this article.