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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The mind games men play

When getting to a know girl, many guys will play mind games for several reasons. One reason is he may have been hurt in the past. He doesn't want to invest his heart to get it broken again. So he will play games with a girl to test her. His ex probably treated him bad or cheated on him so he probably told himself he wouldn't ever let that happen again. He may also be insecure and finds it hard to trust anyone.

Another reason is because he can, he will tell a girl what she wants to hear to get her to fall for him. Guys will say what a girl wants to hear because it sounds good at the moment and they know girls tend to believe words more. This is simply player status. He would rather be a player than be committed in a relationship. Seeing a bunch of girls is better than settling down with one. An honest guy will tell you sweet things and back it up with actions.

The "push and pull" game- He will be sweet one minute and sour the next. He might give a girl tons of attention and suddenly dissapear for a few days without notice. He may then reappear and act like nothing happened. He does this to see your reaction. How will she react when I pull away? I want to see how much she really cares for me. He may also suddenly pull away because he wants space and time apart. He could be re-evaluating the relationship.

He may also be sweet to you just to get laid. Men will tell you everything you want to hear in order to have sex. It's a known fact that women yearn for emotional intimacy while men can have sex without it.

The "string you along" game- he will pretend he's happy with you but deep inside be wanting more. He could be searching for another woman while being with you. He doesn't want to lose you until he finds another replacement. This is a sad game guys will play but it does happen. If you feel you are being strung along, it's time to get out before he plays you.

On and off again game- one minute it seems like everything is good then you two are fighting and he breaks up with you, or he waits for you to break up with him so he doesn't feel guilty. He may have purposely started a fight so he can go out with his friends or be "single" for a while. This gives him a perfect chance to be single and not be blamed for cheating because you two were broken up. He doesn't want you but doesn't want to lose you.