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Friday, July 2, 2010

Twilight Saga Eclipse (Love triangle review)

Twilight Saga movie anyone? Has anyone seen this movie? There has been an uproar to see this movie and quite frankly I couldn't resist on being a part of it. I really enjoyed the love triangle part of the movie because it reminded me of when I was in a similiar situation. Being in a love triangle can be quite complicated!

If I was Bella in the movie, I would have done all the things she did except kissing Jacob. It seemed like she has no explanation as to why she did what she did even though she claimed she had no feelings for him at one point. It seemed like she was stringing Jacob along for added protection (despite the fact she didn't want him to get hurt). What surprised more was how Edward reacted to finding out. He seemed not to react at all which was a shock because he is overly protective of her. He really showed his true sense of character in the movie. What also puzzled me was how she confessed to having feelings for Jacob while secretly planning an engagement to Edward. What would you do if you were Bella?

Jacob seemed to have a hidden agenda to convince Bella that she indeed is in love with him in an attempt to win over heart. This is a brilliant strategy when playing the game of love.

I'm excited to see what's next with Twilight Saga....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Recovering from a broken heart

Recovering from a broken heart is never easy since someone always gets hurt. There are ways to make the process a little smoother while trying to put the pieces back together. I have had my heart broken a few times and it can feel very painful. I have learned the easiest way to recover.

First you have to let everything out, your feelings of resentment, anger, frustration, sadness, all of it in order to recover. Keeping it inside makes things worse over time and it will come back to haunt you in the end. You can talk to a friend, write in a journal, do some meditation, or write a poem. This is in time will help things. I used to write a long letter of how much my ex hurt me but I would never send it. It made me feel better somehow.

Try to learn acceptance. For whatever reason the relationship has ended, figuring out why or dwelling on your sadness will get you no where. The best thing to do is accept it. You will find that you are no longer struggling with the break up.

Take some time out for yourself. Some people try to act like everything is ok and nothing is bothering them so they might go out and resume life. Take some time out for yourself to see how you are coping because you come first.

Start a new chapter- this is probably the hardest because it is hard to let of someone we loved. I used to tell myself I can see this person anytime I want to, it may be the end but I am happy if he is. Learning to let go is crucial in life. You will find when you let go, you let go of all the hurt feelings and resentment and who knows maybe that person may even come back to you.
If you are recovering from a broken heart and would like to talk about it, join our forum where you can get answers to your questions by going to