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Friday, July 2, 2010

Twilight Saga Eclipse (Love triangle review)

Twilight Saga movie anyone? Has anyone seen this movie? There has been an uproar to see this movie and quite frankly I couldn't resist on being a part of it. I really enjoyed the love triangle part of the movie because it reminded me of when I was in a similiar situation. Being in a love triangle can be quite complicated!

If I was Bella in the movie, I would have done all the things she did except kissing Jacob. It seemed like she has no explanation as to why she did what she did even though she claimed she had no feelings for him at one point. It seemed like she was stringing Jacob along for added protection (despite the fact she didn't want him to get hurt). What surprised more was how Edward reacted to finding out. He seemed not to react at all which was a shock because he is overly protective of her. He really showed his true sense of character in the movie. What also puzzled me was how she confessed to having feelings for Jacob while secretly planning an engagement to Edward. What would you do if you were Bella?

Jacob seemed to have a hidden agenda to convince Bella that she indeed is in love with him in an attempt to win over heart. This is a brilliant strategy when playing the game of love.

I'm excited to see what's next with Twilight Saga....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Recovering from a broken heart

Recovering from a broken heart is never easy since someone always gets hurt. There are ways to make the process a little smoother while trying to put the pieces back together. I have had my heart broken a few times and it can feel very painful. I have learned the easiest way to recover.

First you have to let everything out, your feelings of resentment, anger, frustration, sadness, all of it in order to recover. Keeping it inside makes things worse over time and it will come back to haunt you in the end. You can talk to a friend, write in a journal, do some meditation, or write a poem. This is in time will help things. I used to write a long letter of how much my ex hurt me but I would never send it. It made me feel better somehow.

Try to learn acceptance. For whatever reason the relationship has ended, figuring out why or dwelling on your sadness will get you no where. The best thing to do is accept it. You will find that you are no longer struggling with the break up.

Take some time out for yourself. Some people try to act like everything is ok and nothing is bothering them so they might go out and resume life. Take some time out for yourself to see how you are coping because you come first.

Start a new chapter- this is probably the hardest because it is hard to let of someone we loved. I used to tell myself I can see this person anytime I want to, it may be the end but I am happy if he is. Learning to let go is crucial in life. You will find when you let go, you let go of all the hurt feelings and resentment and who knows maybe that person may even come back to you.
If you are recovering from a broken heart and would like to talk about it, join our forum where you can get answers to your questions by going to

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The mind games men play

When getting to a know girl, many guys will play mind games for several reasons. One reason is he may have been hurt in the past. He doesn't want to invest his heart to get it broken again. So he will play games with a girl to test her. His ex probably treated him bad or cheated on him so he probably told himself he wouldn't ever let that happen again. He may also be insecure and finds it hard to trust anyone.

Another reason is because he can, he will tell a girl what she wants to hear to get her to fall for him. Guys will say what a girl wants to hear because it sounds good at the moment and they know girls tend to believe words more. This is simply player status. He would rather be a player than be committed in a relationship. Seeing a bunch of girls is better than settling down with one. An honest guy will tell you sweet things and back it up with actions.

The "push and pull" game- He will be sweet one minute and sour the next. He might give a girl tons of attention and suddenly dissapear for a few days without notice. He may then reappear and act like nothing happened. He does this to see your reaction. How will she react when I pull away? I want to see how much she really cares for me. He may also suddenly pull away because he wants space and time apart. He could be re-evaluating the relationship.

He may also be sweet to you just to get laid. Men will tell you everything you want to hear in order to have sex. It's a known fact that women yearn for emotional intimacy while men can have sex without it.

The "string you along" game- he will pretend he's happy with you but deep inside be wanting more. He could be searching for another woman while being with you. He doesn't want to lose you until he finds another replacement. This is a sad game guys will play but it does happen. If you feel you are being strung along, it's time to get out before he plays you.

On and off again game- one minute it seems like everything is good then you two are fighting and he breaks up with you, or he waits for you to break up with him so he doesn't feel guilty. He may have purposely started a fight so he can go out with his friends or be "single" for a while. This gives him a perfect chance to be single and not be blamed for cheating because you two were broken up. He doesn't want you but doesn't want to lose you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What to do if your single and wana date

So youve been single for awhile and everywhere you turn you cant seem to find the right one. Maybe you try so hard to put yourself out there and it seems like there is no one in sight. What could it be? Or maybe you just got out of a relationship and find it hard to be alone. Dont worry we have all been there, but there are some things to consider on your journey to love.

You must put yourself first. Think of yourself as a magnet. A love magnet. Maybe in the past you were one chasing love but from now on you are a love magnet and everything attracts to you! When you think of yourself as a magnet, everything begins to flow. You will see that you dont have to try so hard. People that deserve you will immediately begin to attract themselves to you. Begin to feel good about yourself and every morning look in the mirror and say I am a love magnet! From now on, do not chase others. In order for you to be in a healthy relationship, you must be in a healthy relationship with yourself.

Love yourself and take good care of yourself-this is the most attractive thing you can do. When you are feeling your best and lookin your best, the best men seem to come out of nowhere. If you are demonstrating your best qualities, you will get that back in return. Lets say you are at your best right now, your generous with everyone, your compassionate and good to yourself, your loving and will soon meet someone who will share good qualities as well. Now lets say your at your worst and your crying all the time, and complaning you have no one in your life, you too will attract someone just like you! Misery loves act your best.

Stop the wanting-ever notice the more you want something the more it seems further from your reach? Wanting something is not having and is lacking in your life. I understand it may be hard but once you stop having that desperate vibration, you learn to be content with yourself. This will send out a signal that you are healthy spirit and not a needy one. Which is more attractive to you? Would you want a needy spirit or a healthy one? So stop searching for the one, let the one come to you. He will come to you when you least expect it, when you are having the time of your life not worrying about when you will start dating again. That is because love comes when you least NEED it.

Well I hope you enjoyed this article.

Monday, March 29, 2010

5 Signs of a cheating lover

1. Does your lover seem to be suspicious all of a sudden? If your lover is suddenly hiding his/her phone, walking out of the room to talk, or hides things, chances are your lover may be cheating.

2. Is there trouble in paradise? If you two are constantly arguing and are unhappy, lovers tend to look elsewhere to be happy for the moment.

3.Are you a late night fling? If the only time you see your lover is after the club or 3 in the morning, you can rest assured your not the only one in his life.

4. Does your partner's ex still contact him? If so you got problems. Ex's tend to linger on as long as they can especially when they know a new person is involved. Sometimes ex's do it out of spite because the relationship went sour and they cant stand for your lover to be happy with you.

5.Does he want his space all of a sudden? Does he want all this free time to hang out with friends too much and doesnt want to spend quality time with you? Its possible he could be cheating..

These 5 signs will let you know if your lover is cheating, and always remember a cheater will always get caught.

How to find closure in a relationship

Closure is important in order to move on. You need that peace of mind or else you will feel stuck no matter what you try to do. If you have trouble letting go, then do whatever it takes to get your closure. Sometimes you just want to figure out what went wrong or why your lover did what they did. There are so many reasons why it fell apart and you think if you give it one more chance or one more try it will work out. Maybe so, feelings change everyday but until then it is essential you get answers. If your lover fell out of love with you, figure out why. Ask when you are not emotional. if you are emotional you may not get the truth because your lover may not want to cause further damage. Figuring out why gives you knowledge and insight. If your lover cheated figure out why, what kinds of problems prompted the infidelity? There are a lot of factors to determine the reasons behind a break-up. Once you get your answer learn to let it all go. Talk to friends and family. Write a love song, or write in a journal. Whatever it takes to get those feelings out.

New life after divorce

Picking up the pieces after a divorce is never easy. Its a big change in one's life and there are steps you can take in order to move on..

If your having trouble letting go consider the following:

-When one door closes,another one opens. There is life after divorce. Even though it may seem difficult, time heals all things.

-Don't be blinded by what was. If your living in the past, you refuse to see what is happening in the present.

-Give yourself some "me" time. There is nothing wrong with taking some time to put yourself back together. Get your emotions in check and your mind right. Once you do, its time to put the past behind and start a new life. Take the time to find yourself again. Some people live in a marriage and end up losing themselves. Now is the time to find who you truly are..

-Get back on the market! This is the fun part. You can only do so much dwelling and crying before you realize there is someone out there just waiting for you! So why hesitate? Go out there and find your soulmate!